Doctrine Migrations

119 Executed
0 Unavailable
119 Available
0 New

Migrations 119

Version Description Status Executed at Execution time
DoctrineMigrations\Version20240905115519 Added indexes EXECUTED Sep 6, 2024 12:33 573 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20240522124311 New notification of signed contract EXECUTED May 23, 2024 12:37 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20240520101135 EXECUTED May 20, 2024 20:46 35 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20240405234027 Create the Online Valuation notification template EXECUTED Apr 29, 2024 15:35 7 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20240405231408 Add the sender and attachments columns to notification_customer EXECUTED Apr 29, 2024 15:35 249 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20240108160706 Create new notification for SELLER_OBJECT_NOT_SOLD_THIRD_OVER_4000 EXECUTED Jan 10, 2024 19:16 31 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20231109154148 EXECUTED Nov 10, 2023 17:40 4 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20231109132539 EXECUTED Nov 10, 2023 17:40 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20231010081248 Create new notifications EXECUTED Oct 20, 2023 17:26 31 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230922130706 Create new notification for phone and advance bid EXECUTED Sep 27, 2023 18:27 41 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230821424002 EXECUTED Aug 24, 2023 14:50 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230803142434 EXECUTED Aug 14, 2023 17:15 35 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230717153540 Add new field for notes in object EXECUTED Sep 6, 2023 14:00 27 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230712154321 Add new notifications EXECUTED Sep 6, 2023 14:00 38 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230629081530 Create new notifications EXECUTED Jun 30, 2023 12:14 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230410203401 Create table to save object data EXECUTED Apr 11, 2023 20:44 151 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230331182533 Create table to save object data EXECUTED Apr 5, 2023 16:16 133 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230301181537 Add auction id column to object_customer table EXECUTED Mar 13, 2023 12:32 352 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230202225911 Add the proposal_no and auction_id fields in the object_avanti_log table. EXECUTED Feb 7, 2023 17:54 116 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230202151123 Save last send date EXECUTED Feb 8, 2023 18:18 70 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20230124135342 Create table to save auto bid history EXECUTED Jan 24, 2023 20:51 281 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20221129085433 Add columns in customer EXECUTED Dec 1, 2022 11:56 240 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20221103175234 Add column number in object_custoemr EXECUTED Nov 8, 2022 11:04 123 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20221102142132 Remove unused notification EXECUTED Nov 2, 2022 19:01 33 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20221006202890 Update vip notification EXECUTED Oct 13, 2022 18:31 33 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20221006202849 Add objects table with payment info to payment notifications EXECUTED Oct 10, 2022 20:57 34 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220928114012 Add new template for classic expert notification EXECUTED Sep 28, 2022 17:26 31 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220823112754 Add new template for vipps invoice notifications EXECUTED Aug 24, 2022 15:29 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220822202344 New templates for credit card not created and check address EXECUTED Aug 23, 2022 19:08 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220817160707 Adjustment in identifier column in notification_template EXECUTED Aug 18, 2022 18:08 36 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220802130123 Change identifier of templates EXECUTED Aug 2, 2022 18:14 34 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220729203841 Updated customer table EXECUTED Aug 8, 2022 19:39 102 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220728180132 New templates for unsold objects EXECUTED Jul 28, 2022 22:52 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220726181324 New templates for unsold objects EXECUTED Jul 26, 2022 20:26 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220726114248 EXECUTED Jul 26, 2022 13:49 132 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220722143828 Updated notification tables EXECUTED Jul 22, 2022 20:33 32 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220721133212 Updated notification tables EXECUTED Jul 21, 2022 19:45 31 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220715195111 Added bid_id column to object_avanti_log table EXECUTED Aug 3, 2022 13:51 585 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220714182142 Added winning column to object_customer EXECUTED Aug 3, 2022 13:51 105 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220714150000 Updated notification tables EXECUTED Jul 14, 2022 23:16 84 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220713085150 Updated notification tables EXECUTED Jul 13, 2022 14:46 153 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220712152727 Updated notification tables EXECUTED Jul 13, 2022 00:21 551 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220711204222 Updated name in BankCardExpiresSoonNotification EXECUTED Jul 11, 2022 23:11 33 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220707194857 Adjustment default columns to zero in notification_template EXECUTED Jul 8, 2022 15:16 190 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220621212855 Adjustment in identifier column in notification_template EXECUTED Jun 22, 2022 02:39 36 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220621182543 Adjustment in identifier column in notification_template EXECUTED Jun 22, 2022 00:08 35 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220621113914 Add field to name in profile EXECUTED Jun 21, 2022 18:23 62 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220617141045 Remove receive_newsletter and receive_newsletter_conditions to customer table EXECUTED Jun 24, 2022 13:31 2.85 seconds
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220617140614 Drop Newsletter Table EXECUTED Jun 24, 2022 13:31 46 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220614155914 Update default notification_template setting EXECUTED Jun 17, 2022 18:28 16 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220614140535 Update notification_template default values EXECUTED Jun 17, 2022 18:28 35 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220614010019 Add identifier column to notification_template EXECUTED Jun 17, 2022 13:50 326 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220613195135 Add subject to notification_customer table EXECUTED Jun 17, 2022 13:50 57 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220607164820 Updated name in ConfirmationAdvanceBidLiveAuctionNotification EXECUTED Jun 9, 2022 14:34 33 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220601182025 Updated name in AuctionAlertAuctionEndingSoon24HOnlineFavoriteFollowingNotification EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 10 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220531180329 Updated fields in WinnerEmailOnlineWineNotification EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 9 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220531175935 Updated user_name in WinnerEmailOnlineNotification EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220531162718 Added blomqvist/min side links to UserPaymentCardUpdatedNotification EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220530222721 Update YourLotsAreLiveOnlineNotification list_all_lots EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220527021844 Add relate_item_id to notification_customer EXECUTED Jun 2, 2022 19:24 23 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220526223637 Add N11B - Auction ending soon 2H, online notification template EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 3 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220526221433 Update AuctionEndingSoon24HOnlineBiddingNotification user_name EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220526220452 Update AuctionEndingSoon2HOnlineBiddingNotification user_name EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220525160424 Update notification_template categories EXECUTED Jun 2, 2022 19:24 108 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220523175841 Add fields to notification_template EXECUTED Jun 2, 2022 19:24 77 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220523174051 Update BankCardExpiredNotification user_name EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220523164839 Created ExpiredCardAvantiLog table EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 26 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220523104545 Update CardPaymentUnsuccessfulLateFeeNotification user_name EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 8 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220519201543 Created InvoiceAvantiLog table EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 30 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220519185526 Update AutomaticPaymentSuccessfullReceiptAttachedAsPDFNotification user_name EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 1 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220516220848 Update card update notification template EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 1 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220516201502 Update profile update notification template EXECUTED Jun 6, 2022 22:30 34 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220513002743 Add accepted_term_date to customer table EXECUTED May 25, 2022 17:28 41 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220509235801 Add request_delete_date to customer table EXECUTED Jun 9, 2022 14:26 160 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220509145500 Alter description into template EXECUTED May 9, 2022 20:30 29 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220503151800 Create Expert Send Email template EXECUTED May 5, 2022 22:51 30 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220429193145 Add receive_newsletter and receive_newsletter_conditions to customer table EXECUTED May 10, 2022 14:38 55 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220426181737 Update PaymentReceiptReceiptAttachedAsPDFNotification variable EXECUTED Apr 27, 2022 02:09 1 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220426144901 EXECUTED Apr 27, 2022 02:09 31 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220418205014 Create Newsletter Table EXECUTED May 10, 2022 14:38 64 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220415131447 Create new notification template EXECUTED Apr 19, 2022 00:08 29 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220413114442 Change name to field text to search EXECUTED Apr 19, 2022 20:51 56 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220411170134 Add precision to updated_at in the bids tables EXECUTED Apr 13, 2022 20:46 128 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220408204958 Create the new templates with language EXECUTED Apr 13, 2022 20:46 42 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220407004646 EXECUTED Apr 14, 2022 15:02 41 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220322185143 Creating an object_avanti_log table to save which finished objects I send to avanti and synchronize with their database, I send data like sales_price, customer_id. EXECUTED Mar 25, 2022 15:20 58 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220322135236 Add language to customer table EXECUTED Mar 22, 2022 18:44 92 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220314090915 Create refresh_tokens table. Generated by gesdinet/jwt-refresh-token-bundle. EXECUTED Mar 24, 2022 21:35 81 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220305193540 Create new types of notifications EXECUTED Mar 9, 2022 12:36 28 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220216153137 Update in auction bid table EXECUTED Feb 22, 2022 15:54 121 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220210103446 Add auction_auto_bid_id in the auction_bid EXECUTED Feb 10, 2022 18:16 148 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220208123116 Added invoice email template EXECUTED Mar 7, 2022 11:58 28 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220203181559 Added email verification template to notification_template table EXECUTED Feb 16, 2022 11:10 4 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220203160853 Add isVerified field to customer entity to verify customer's email EXECUTED Feb 16, 2022 11:10 1.41 seconds
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220202181211 Added password reset template to notification_template table EXECUTED Feb 16, 2022 11:10 9 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220131203101 Create password reset table EXECUTED Feb 16, 2022 11:10 105 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220126110344 Change auction id to string EXECUTED Jan 26, 2022 12:52 193 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20220119140503 Create notification_system for System notifications EXECUTED Feb 10, 2022 18:16 168 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211222122647 Add flag filed into table customer and set all flags to 1 (legacy system) EXECUTED May 25, 2022 17:28 90 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211221181830 Set datetime to have microseconds precision EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 125 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211210104426 Add date fields to auction_bid EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 53 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211209105242 Create table to save auto bid EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 115 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211207185248 Add new fields in auction_bid, create unique index to prevent duplicated bids EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 64 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211201134824 Created table for Notification Search Words EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 80 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211201123242 Update auction_bid columns, added new column to customer_id EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 143 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211201121416 Create new table object_customer to save unique id by object to the customer EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 159 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211130143814 Add field name in customer for send this field in email EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 20 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211129064914 Create favorite table EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 100 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211124190329 Add status in notification customer and remove date fieldps woul EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 46 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211122163435 Change field date in notification customer for this field accept null EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 42 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211118140329 Drop field customer notification in customer notifications table EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 51 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211117143250 Created table Notification Customer and add text system field in table notification template EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 242 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211117122333 Created table Notification Customer Setting EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 111 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211115170449 Created notification table and add default notification EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 73 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20211109125517 Create customer table EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 25 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20210928134144 EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 24 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20210923160609 EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 17 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20210915194514 EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 106 ms
DoctrineMigrations\Version20210915164140 EXECUTED Jan 24, 2022 17:22 175 ms


Type Doctrine\Migrations\Metadata\Storage\TableMetadataStorage
Table Name doctrine_migration_versions
Column Name version
Driver Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Middleware\Debug\Driver
Name blomqvist
Migration Namespaces
DoctrineMigrations /var/www/migrations