
object_ClearObjectCaches Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /api/admin/object/clear-cache
# Route name Path Log
1 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
2 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
3 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
4 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
5 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
6 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
7 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
8 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
9 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
10 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
12 auction_index /auction/product/{productId} Path does not match
13 auction_getAuctions /auction Path does not match
14 auction_getAuctionById /auction/{id} Path does not match
15 bid_new /api/bid/ Path does not match
16 bid_bid_history /bid/history/ Path does not match
17 bid_historyObjectBids /api/bid/historyobjectbids Path does not match
18 bid_bid_history_complete /api/bid/history-complete Path does not match
19 customer_card_list /api/customer/card Path does not match
20 customer_card_validate /api/customer/card/validate Path does not match
21 customer_card_remove /api/customer/card/{id} Path does not match
22 customer_card_set_active /api/customer/card/{id} Path does not match
23 category_getCategory /category Path does not match
24 contract_list /api/contract Path does not match
25 contract_objects /api/contract/objects Path does not match
26 contract_pdf /api/contract/{contract_id}/pdf Path does not match
27 contract_accept /api/contract/{contract_id}/accept Path does not match
28 contract_return /api/contract/{contract_id}/object/{object_id}/return Path does not match
29 customer_register /{_locale}/customer Path does not match
30 customer_verify_email /customer/verify Path does not match
31 customer_verify_email_resend /api/customer/verify Path does not match
32 customer_update /api/customer Path does not match
33 customer_index /api/customer Path does not match
34 customer_favorite_list /api/customer/favorite Path does not match
35 customer_favorite_add /api/customer/favorite/{id} Path does not match
36 customer_favorite_remove /api/customer/favorite/{id} Path does not match
37 customer_request_delete /api/customer/delete Path does not match
38 update_accept_term /customer/acceptTerm Path does not match
39 force /api/admin/customer/force Path does not match
40 update_password /api/admin/customer/updatePassword Path does not match
41 verify_customer /api/admin/customer/verify Path does not match
42 move_vipps /api/admin/customer/moveVipps Path does not match
43 app_index_index / Path does not match
44 invoice_create /api/invoice Path does not match
45 invoice_onlinevaluation_invoice /api/invoice/onlinevaluation Path does not match
46 invoice_pay /api/invoice/{invoiceId}/pay Path does not match
47 invoice_pdf /api/invoice/{invoiceId}/pdf Path does not match
48 label_getLabels /label/getlabels Path does not match
49 location_getLocations /api/admin/location/all Path does not match
50 location_update_location /api/admin/location/object/{objectnr} Path does not match
51 log_new_log /log Path does not match
52 login_customerLogin /login Path does not match
53 media_upload /api/media Path does not match
54 saveNewsletter /newsletter Path does not match
55 editNewsletter /newsletter Path does not match
56 getNewsletter /newsletter Path does not match
57 removeNewsletter /newsletter/{id} Path does not match
58 editNotification /api/admin/notification/editnotificationtemplate Path does not match
59 saveNotificationCustomerSetting /api/notification/savesetting Path does not match
60 getNotificationsSent /api/notification/getnotificationssent Path does not match
61 getNotificationsTemplates /api/admin/notification/getnotificationstemplates Path does not match
62 getNotificationsUser /api/notification/getnotificationsuser Path does not match
63 readNotificationSystem /api/notification/readnotificationsystem Path does not match
64 getNotificationSystem /api/notification/getnotificationsystem Path does not match
65 removeNotificationSystem /api/notification/removenotificationsystem/{id} Path does not match
66 notficationTest /api/notification/test Path does not match
67 sendNotificationExpert /api/notification/expert Path does not match
68 contractExpert /api/notification/expert-classic Path does not match
69 notificationSearch_getNotificationsSearch /api/notificationSearch Path does not match
70 notificationSearch_saveNotificationSearch /api/notificationSearch Path does not match
71 notificationSearch_removeNotificationSearch /api/notificationSearch/{id} Path does not match
72 notificationSearch_getCustomerNotificationsSearch /api/admin/notificationSearch/customer/{customerNumber} Path does not match
73 notificationSearch_removeNotificationsSearch /api/admin/notificationSearch Path does not match
74 object_getObjectById /object/findById Path does not match
75 object_goingtoauction /object/goingtoauction Path does not match
76 object_endingauction /object/endingauction Path does not match
77 object_getObjectSold /object/getObjectSold Path does not match
78 object_getObjectPhotos /object/getObjectPhotos Path does not match
79 object_findObject /object/findobject Path does not match
80 object_updateImage /api/admin/object/updateImage/{object_id} Path does not match
81 object_getShippingType /object/getshippingtype Path does not match
82 object_searchObject /object/searchobject Path does not match
83 object_searchComplete /object/searchcomplete Path does not match
84 object_getPopularCategories /object/getPopularCategories Path does not match
85 object_registerAdvanceBid /api/object/registerAdvanceBid Path does not match
86 object_registerPhoneBid /api/object/registerPhoneBid Path does not match
87 object_getStorageFee /object/getStorageFee Path does not match
88 object_object_mylastbids /api/object/mylastbids Path does not match
89 object_cutPrice /api/object/cutprice/{id} Path does not match
90 object_objectpreview /object/objectpreview Path does not match
91 object_NettobjektUpdate /api/admin/object/update-enddate Path does not match
92 object_ClearObjectCaches /api/admin/object/clear-cache Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.